I promise to start writing more, and I end up not. I always do that. So lets try something different this time, ok? I promise not to write more. In fact, I'm not going to write at all! (reverse psychology) We'll see if this works. Lol.
Life is ok at the moment. I'm kinda going out with a guy. He is nice. That's all I can say about him. I mean he's a really sweet guy, but there's no "spark". Not like there was with Marcos. I keep comparing how this relationship is going to the way it was with Marcos. But I know I shouldn't. Because what I thought Marcos and I "had" wasn't real. Mark, the latest guy, held my hand, put his arm around my shoulders, and kissed me on the first date. Is that too fast? Marcos never did that. Isn't the first date supossed to see if your interested in the guy? If he's someone you'd want to go out with more? With the new guy, It felt like something like a couple who'd known eachother awhile would do. Not two people on a first date.
I don't know what to do. I'm not sure I want to go out with Mark. But I'm so bad at telling guys I'm not interested. Sigh. I'm so confused.