Here is a
If you look back through all my old posts, you would see some about Marcos. That was a big ordeal. But I can honestly say now that I'm over him. I REALLY am. It's such a relief. He will always be a part of my memories because I had my first kiss with him, and you can't really push the memory of your first kiss out of your head.
I'm falling for another guy. Yeah. WHY GOD!?! Another Latino. I like 'em dark. What can I say??? Heehee. Just a couple of problems. I don't know whether he's taken, or if he even likes me. He's in my spanish class, which Is tonight.... so I plan on asking him if he's dating anyone..... I'm so bad at this. But I'll let you know how it goes.
Work is the same. Stressful, full of unneeded drama. I swear I'm not making enough money to make up for all the crap I go through. But it's a job. So I'm sticking with it. There isn't much else out there anyway.
April, Courtney, and I are still close as ever. They're the best friends ever. Seriously.
So yeah. I will post more often.
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