January 14, 2009

Horoscopes are....

stupid most of the time. I like to read them just to make fun. But today I read one and it blew me away. How true it was I mean. Here it is:

Too much time has passed for you to be harboring this grudge. No matter what your feelings are you can't keep dwelling on what's over and done with. Let it go and use the experience to strengthen yourself.

Yeah. It's actually really true. I was just like, wow.

January 13, 2009

Life goes on...

I haven't posted in forever. Life goes on, eat, sleep, work. You know the routine. Plus recently most of the posts on this have been SUPER depressing, so I've been staying away. But I'm back now, still slightly depressed, but doing better.

And I'm going to try to post more, I promise.