December 08, 2008

Time to move on.

It's been a month since Marcos last talked to me. I need to move on. I thought I was, but I realized some things were holding me back. I hadn't deleted any of the text messages he sent me. I didn't read them, cause it hurt to much, but I didn't want to delete them either. I also didn't want to delete him from my contacts. So today I deleted all his old text messages. It was hard. I read a few of them. It was hard deleting the one where he stated he was glad he found a girl like me. I'll admit I teared up. But I feel better now that all those old messages are gone. I also removed him from my contacts. It was about time.

Life kinda sucks right now. I'm pretty sure I blew my math final. Yay. And I don't have any money to pay for the classes I need to take next semester. I learned that Starbucks reimburses your tuition, so I thought that would help, but it's only if you've been there a year. I have two more months till then.

I'm so bad at saving money, which I really need to do. I need to save up for a car, I need to save up for my trip to London next year. At this rate though the reality is that the trip won't happen. I need to buy christmas presents, my horses need their hooves taken care of, etc. It just doesn't end!!!!

I don't remember what fun feels like.

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