October 06, 2008

So good and so bad

Life can be so good and so bad at the same time.

I'm falling for a wonderful guy. He's made my life exciting. Gives me something to look forward to.

Bad: I'm so stressed and busy with school right now that it's cutting into the time that I could be spending, thinking, and laughing with him.

I'm SERIOUSLY THROUGH with school. I know it's partly my fault for putting off my homework, but still. I'm so burned out. I need to get away. I had a test in math today that I though I would do ok on. I totally sucked at it. I could do the problems at home, but on the actual test? No. So it was close to the end of the class. You can stay as long as you want to finish the test, but I HAD to leave by the actual end of class. And I still had two whole pages of stupid hard questions. So I faked being sick. Yeah. I NEVER do stuff like that. But I swear, I didn't know what else to do. I said I wasn't feeling well and asked if I could finish the test next class. He said yes, so I left.

I'm SO tired. Mentally and physically. The only time I feel alive is when I'm with Marcos, April or Courtney. I don't feel like I have time for them. It's killing me. I don't even have time for my horses. I love my horses, and I feel like i'm neglecting them. Poor things.
I feel like I'm failing at everything. This was just supposed to be a short post, but everything has just spilled out. I just need to get it all out. I'm seriously trying not to cry. I just need to get away from everything. I want to feel something other then stress.

Other then him, my life is pretty dismal right now.

1 comment:

{April} said...


things will get better. and hey, we had that wonderful lunch date, so it's not all that bad. I know stress sucks a lot but I'm here for you. :) don't fret. :)

just take one day at a time.

Love yah, sunshine! :)