September 13, 2008

La la la....

I'm so tired of people! Why can't they be nice? What is so great about being so freaking rude? Can they think of anything but themselves? Seriously. People in this town piss me off. Gah. I just needed to get that off my chest. People at work were seriously rude today. Customers AND co-workers. Well, just one co-worker in particular. I don't know what to do with her.

At least I'm feeling emotion though. My heart did a get that fluttery feeling I haven't had in a while, so that was good. It wasn't at my crush though. He didn't come it. No, it was at this guy who came in yesterday to work and ordered like 8 drinks. He didn't order quite so many this time. I wasn't expecting to see him, so I saw him and my heart got all fluttery. Nice. I saw another co-working talking to him kind of like they knew each other, so after he left I asked my co-worker if he knew the guy. You want to know what my co-worker said? He said they spent time together in jail. Yeah, JAIL. That squashed the fluttering feeling quick.

1 comment:

{April} said...

Oh. My. God.

this freakin' cracked me up. JAIL. I would have loved to see your reaction. lol.