September 09, 2008

Starting fresh.

Summer is over. Fall is near. A time for new beginnings, fresh starts. I did have an old blog, but it reflected the old me. The me that has changed. I'm not who I was last winter. So much has happened that it would be impossible not to change. Things have changed for the better.

I've been thinking about change recently, I used to be afraid of it. It was changing too fast for me to handle. Something changes every moment of the day, even if it doesn't affect us personally. Who am I to stop it? I've started to go along with the flow. Sure, my life isn't exactly how I'd like it to be, but it's better then what it was last winter. I'm happy. It's so weird to say that. I'm HAPPY. For once in my life I'm happy to be ME. I don't want to be anybody else.

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