September 10, 2008

Moving on up?

I work at Starbucks. In case you haven't heard of it, (yeah right) it's a coffee shop. A big coffee shop. :) Anyway, I'm a barista there. I make drinks, ring up customers etc. It's a great job. I love it. I enjoy going to work. Well, I don't always like to go to work. But most of the time it's great.

I found out today that I might be promoted to Shift Supervisor. I'm excited, but nervous at the same time. It's a lot more responsibility. I'd be in charge of all the cash handling. That part scares me. But it's a good pay raise. I think I'm ready, and I told the store manager so. She agreed with me!

I've never been really GOOD at something, but when I started working at S'bucks I picked it up really fast. It was so easy! I know I don't want to make coffee the rest of my life, but this is a good opportunity for me. I hope it all works out!

I'm really excited about this, but I didn't want to tell anybody incase it doesn't work out. So keep it a secret! SHHHH!

1 comment:

{April} said...

You go girl!!! You would make an awesome shift supervisor!!! :) Congratulations!!!

I love your writing, by the way. I could totally imagine you talking to me. :) Awesome!